Saturday, September 12, 2009

Still Week Three, Update on The Curser

Though I realize douchebag is not a curse, it feels like one. When I'm not expecting it, I hear back from The Curser on Friday. We exchange texts and he continues to not ask me out. The last text I write: "Let me know if you want to meet up in real time." And I mean it. I already have one pen friend across the country, I don't need another one who lives around the block.

So, he calls and we talk. This is Conversation #2. I ask him, perhaps naively, how was your trip? He responds, "Good and weird." I lay on the floor and take the bait. Give A. some pets. "How was it weird?" He explains that he visited family then picked up his ex in another state and drove the 15 hours back to Portland. "Oh," I say. Then he explains further, "She tricked me," and he uses the word trick several times. I wonder how a guy who is over six feet tall, an ex-rugby player, an attorney, an adult, and a raving curser could be tricked. Alas, he believes this has happened. She'd said she still had feelings for him and he fell for it. He explains several times that he no longer has feelings for her and she is crazy.

I'm putting this experience into the "All my ex-girlfriends are crazy" category. My response, though I say it only my head is: what did you do to them? You drove them crazy.

Enough: we end the conversation with The Curser asking me out for the same night but I say I have plans - and it's true: I plan to drink red wine and I plan to watch my netflixed Gossip Girls Season Two. I plan to listen to my dog softly snore in her sleep. After a pitter patter of you call me or I'll call you, I hang up. What just happened?

Is it me? Or is he crazy? I think I might be crazy because after all this I'd still go out with The Curser. Perhaps it's a vocab thing, not the curses, but he says things like right-o and kiddo, and those are things my dad says.

Tomorrow it's brunch with LSGG (law school grilling guy). I predict pleasant conversation, jokes about being a jew, and an absolutely sparkless marionberry pancake experience.

But I've been wrong before. Very wrong...

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