Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mini-Update Week 4 begins...

D. and I write each other nearly constantly. He let it leak that he wears a suit to work: while common in NYC, an anomaly in Portland. It feels like years since I've seen a man in a suit. Also, he wore a bow-tie to work. A bow-tie! He sends a picture and guess what? He's wearing a suit and a bow-tie!

But wait. There's more. There are French cuffs and there is a closely trimmed beard and moustache like thing on his face. Plus, he's holding black rimmed, old school glasses. He is out of control cute. Actually, he is very handsome, but I tell him cute instead. And yes, I used the zoom feature on my computer. I had insomnia last night thinking about him, and wake to an email from D. saying he had insomnia too and is reading Camus.

I heart D. But I must stay true to my mission...

The Curser says that "Right now Thursday looks good. We can go out in our hood." This would be our first date. This is via a text. I feel like I'm making a dentist appointment but even my dentist (if I had insurance to have a dentist) wouldn't say that. He'd commit to an appointment time. What The Curser does not know is that I must finish the story arc of him, so that means a minimum of one date. I texted back:

"Right now? I feel like I'm being played."

Then he texted, "No, just not sure what my work schedule will be come Thursday."

I write back, "I understand. Let's grab a burger at Castagna."

He writes back several descriptive texts regarding Castagna, BBQs, and work and I write a little then decide not to respond anymore. I'm spending my life typing and texting, which is fine with someone who lives 3,000 miles away but The Curser is three blocks away. If he wants to chat he's going to have to show up at our appointment.

Whether he likes it or not.


  1. J,

    I'm having so much fun reading your blog! I am officially your number one fan. You're a great writer, and I love the way you dive into your dates with dead-pan humor, vulnerability, and sensory overload. I'm addicted!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Nathan, you are so sweet. Look at your beautiful floating head photo! Thank you. I'm off now to read your blog.

    Loves and hugs,
